Welcome to my website! My name is Marshal, a passionate Data Scientist.
I enjoy helping businesses solve Data Science and Statistical problems.
Currently, I'm Data Analyst Engineer.
Please feel free to email me any time.
This is my portfolio and it contains some varius projects I have worked on. Many of my projects here are present on Github. You can see I also work on varius other projects. I like to focus on using Data Science along with Statistics, Finance, and Economics to solve many types of problems.
About Me
I've always had a passion to ask questions and find solutions to complicated problems. I believe that Data Science has the potential solve many of the worlds problems. I believe in creating intelligent solutions to problems that are complex in nature. AI, in my mind has the potential to raise the standard of living.
Please feel free to send me an email if you have any questions or problems that you are looking at. My email is at: Willmw97@gmail.com